A number of new generation Iranian centrifuges are seen on display during Iran's National Nuclear Energy Day in Tehran, Iran April 10, 2021.

E3 Says Iran Pushed Nuclear Activity 'To New Heights'

Thursday, 03/07/2024

The E3 coalition made up of France, Germany and the UK (E3) has warned that Iran has "pushed its nuclear activities to new heights" in spite of global sanctions.

The trio said that over the past five years, the levels of the country's enrichment “are unprecedented for a state without a nuclear weapons program". The observations were made to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday.

Referring to Tehran’s recent dilution of some of its near weapons-grade uranium, the E3 warned that the move “should not lead us to false hope and wrong conclusions” as Iran continues to produce 60% enriched uranium.

“Overall, Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has increased by 30% in just three and half months,” the statement said, further adding that the possibility of manufacturing a nuclear weapon cannot be ruled out considering Iran’s three significant quantities of highly enriched uranium.

In February, Ali-Akbar Salehi, the former head of Iran's nuclear agency, implied that the country has everything it needs for a nuclear bomb: "We have [crossed] all the thresholds of nuclear science and technology. Here's an example: Imagine what a car needs; it needs a chassis, an engine, a steering wheel, a gearbox. You're asking if we've made the gearbox, I say yes. Have we made the engine? Yes, but each one serves its own purpose."

The group criticized the remarks saying they counter Tehran’s obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and called for Iran’s transparency and cooperation with the UN’s nuclear watchdog.

The E3 statement came a day after the US emphasized the need for Iran to down-blend its entire 60-percent uranium stockpile and cease production of uranium enriched to 60 percent.

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