Iranian National Steel Industrial Group workers during a protest in Ahvaz (January 2024)

Workers Protests Continues In Iran Amid Economic Strain

Sunday, 01/28/2024

The Iranian National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz witnessed its sixth consecutive day of protest on Sunday, as workers gathered to voice their grievances.

The demonstrators, who abstained from work, demanded the implementation of job classifications and better working conditions.

Marching through the streets, the striking workers rallied in front of the Ahvaz Governorate and the central building of the Khuzestan National Bank, chanting slogans such as "We haven't seen justice; we won't vote anymore." Ahvaz is the capital of Iran's oil-rich Khuzestan province.

The Iranian National Steel Industrial Group, previously under the control of the Amir Mansour Aria Investment Company, underwent a change in ownership following legal proceedings and the execution of the founder for embezzlement.

In a parallel display of dissent, employees of the Gachsaran Oil and Gas Exploitation Company gathered for a protest within the company's premises, demanding solutions to livelihood problems and an increase in wages, salaries, and benefits.

Meanwhile, workers of the Makran Desalination Project staged a strike on Sunday over the non-payment of overdue wages and salaries by the employer, adding to the chorus of discontent across various sectors.

The protests reflect a broader trend of dissatisfaction with fast rising inflation that significantly outpaces wages, as workers, guild members, and retirees voice their concerns. However, such demonstrations have often been met with security force crackdowns.

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