Political prisoners Mehran and Fazel Bahramian

Iran Sentences Two More Protesters To Death

Saturday, 01/27/2024

Human rights sources have reported that Mehran and Fazel Bahramian, two Iranian protesters, have been sentenced to death, the latest among Iran’s killing spree.

According to reports from Dadban, a group of pro-bono lawyers in Iran defending political prisoners and rights activists, the two protesters have been condemned to death in Semirom, Esfahan province, on charges of Moharebeh or "waging war against God."

Dadban further reveals that the two, detained since January last year, have endured severe torture, with Mehran Bahramian suffering broken arms and legs under torture.

Their arrests stemmed from their involvement in a fortieth-day ceremony honoring deceased protesters and their alleged connection to the death of a security officer named Mohsen Rezaei.

Fazel Bahramian's brother, Morad Bahramian, is counted among the victims of nationwide protests.

Despite domestic and international criticism, the judiciary of the Islamic Republic persists in handing down death sentences to protesters and political detainees.

The recent spate of executions in Iran has triggered a barrage of condemnation from human rights activists and global organizations. Vedant Patel, Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State, denounced the Iranian government's suppression tactics, highlighting the lack of democracy and transparency within its political system.

Earlier this month, the UN experts disclosed that at least 834 individuals were executed in Iran in 2023, with eight of them linked to nationwide protests. Urgently calling on the Iranian government to cease the ongoing wave of executions, the experts demanded a reassessment of the country's use of the death penalty.

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