Striking steel workers in Ahvaz, southern Iran, December 2023

Iranian Steel Worker Protests Continue For Sixth Day

Thursday, 12/28/2023

Iranian National Steel Industrial Group employees entered their sixth consecutive day of strike action on Thursday to obtain better working conditions.

The protest in Ahvaz has been sparked by dissatisfaction over the recent terminations of 21 employees and the failure to implement job classification plans.

A group of workers met with representatives from the Khuzestan province's General Department of Labor, the National Bank, and several other government agencies on Thursday according to the Free Union of Iranian Workers Telegram channel.

A list of demands to be raised at the meeting was published, which included "Removal of the corrupt CEO, removing the National Bank ownership, and workers' participation in the management of the company". However, no results have been released as of yet.

"The independent voice of Ahvaz National Steel Industrial Group workers" released a statement through the Free Union of Iranian Workers, prior to the scheduled meeting.

The authors of the statement said that in the last six days, “Authorities have been eyeing the workers' protest for their share of the company's loot”, and they are using “every means to create division and disrupt the strike” by making “empty promises” and exerting military and security pressure.

Moreover, they stated they would continue their strike as long as “authorities' threats and inaction continue”.
A further 17 employees were prohibited from working on the second day of the protests.

Iranian National Steel Industrial Group, previously controlled by Amir Mansour Aria Investment Company, has gone under private ownership following legal proceedings and the execution of Aria for embezzlement.

In the past few months, workers from a variety of industries, members of different guilds, and retirees have organized protests to oppose the current economic climate, met with crackdowns by security forces during several of the gatherings.

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