Reza Rasaei

Court Confirms Death Sentence For Another Iranian Protester

Monday, 12/25/2023

The Supreme Court of Iran has confirmed the death sentence of Reza Rasaei, one of the detainees of last year's nationwide protests, US-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reported.

Rasaei, 34, who comes from the marginalized Kurdish and Yarsan minorities in Iran, was previously sentenced to death by a Revolutionary Court on trumped-up charges related to the killing of an IRGC agent.

A family member of Mr. Rasaei told HRANA that the protester's death sentence was recently confirmed by the “17th branch of the country's highest judicial authority headed by Judge Barani."

Amnesty International issued a warning after his trial and noted that during interrogations Rasaei was subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including electric shocks and severe beatings to compel him to self-incriminating “confessions”.

Australian lawmaker Keith Wolahan as well as Iranian-American dissident activist Masih Alinejad took to social media to warn of his imminent execution over the weekend.

As revealed by UN's Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran in December, more than half of the people who were killed during the "Woman, Life, Freedom" protests were from Baluch and Kurdish provinces.

As the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict continues, Iran has executed at least 229 people for various convictions since October 7, according to The Telegraph, including women and minors.

On Sunday, the Iranian High Court confirmed the death sentence of another protester,Mojahed Kourkour.

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