An Iranian woman defying mandatory hijab in public

Iranian Civil Activists Say Forced Hijab A Tool For Oppressing Women

Monday, 12/18/2023

In a renewed show of solidarity, nine political and civil activists in Iran issued a joint statement on Saturday, expressing their unwavering support for the demand for optional hijab.

Prominent figures such as Zahra Rahnavard, a leader of the Green movement, and Nasrin Sotoudeh, a human rights lawyer, lent their signatures to the statement.

The activists called for an end to all discriminatory policies imposed by the Islamic Republic against women in various personal and social spheres. The statement labels the hijab law in Iran as "a major social, political, and security dilemma," characterizing it as a "tool for violating the dignity and honor of Iranian women and undermining their rights."

In a powerful assertion, the signatories declared, "In an era when the discourse of the equality of human rights, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, belief, and religion, has become the central theme of human progress, the Islamic regime has invented the issue of hijab to enforce multiple discriminations against women."

The statement also delves into developments in Iranian society over the past year, particularly referencing the protests known as Women, Life, Freedom. It condemns the "inhuman and violent actions" of the Islamic Republic's regime in enforcing compulsory hijab, highlighting the lasting impact on the hearts and consciences of the majority of the people.

The protests, initially sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the morality patrol, faced severe suppression by the security forces of the Islamic Republic. Human rights activists report that the protests resulted in over five hundred deaths. Despite becoming a catalyst for widespread civil disobedience among Iranian women, challenging compulsory hijab, the Islamic Republic persists in enforcing related laws.

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