Jailed Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi

Nobel Laureate Tells Swedish PM Iran’s President Is An Executioner

Thursday, 12/14/2023

Jailed Iranian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi has written to Sweden’s prime minister, highlighting President Ebrahim Raisi’s role in mass executions in 1980s.

Mohammadi explained that Ebrahim Raisi had served on a "Death Panel" overseeing the execution of at least two thousand Iranian political prisoners during the 1980s. She stated, "A key member of the 1980s Death Panel, Ebrahim Raisi, now holds the presidency.” She also referred to Hamid Nouri, a former prison official who was arrested in Sweden and convicted for his role in the prison killing. Mohammadi wrote that “Justice cannot be silenced."

Hamid Nouri, 61, was arrested in Sweden in 2019, convicted of crimes against humanity and mass murder, and sentenced to life imprisonment in July 2022. Despite facing international war crime charges, Nouri denies wrongdoing. His appeal proceedings began in January, with a final verdict expected on December 19.

Mohammadi emphasized that "achieving democracy in Iran requires dismantling the oppressive Islamic Republic regime."

Tensions between Iran and Sweden rose with the Iranian government's announcement of the arrest of EU diplomat Johan Floderus, 33, held in Tehran's Evin prison and accused of spying for Israel, which can be punishable by death.

This mirrors a pattern seen during Hamid Nouri's 2022 investigation when Iran announced the imminent execution of Swedish-Iranian researcher Ahmadreza Jalali, also held hostage in Iran on vague security charges.

Majid Nouri, Hamid Nouri's son, said recently that he hopes "Sweden corrects their mistake" with a favorable appeal outcome for his father. He said, "My father's trial was a spectacle; justice was disregarded due to a lack of media attention."

Majid Nouri's comments come amid the backdrop of the Iranian regime's consistent pattern of unjust court proceedings and biased judgments.

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