Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

Iran's President Warns Of Escalation If Israel Attacks Continue

Sunday, 10/15/2023

In a telephone conversation with his French counterpart, Iranian president issued threats concerning the ongoing tensions in the Middle East.

According to the Iranian state news agency IRNA, Ebrahim Raisi conveyed the message that if “the crimes of the Zionist regime, particularly the killing of civilians and the ongoing siege of Gaza, persist, the situation in the region could become increasingly complex and the conflict could escalate.”

In the official Iranian regime terminology, Israel is referred to as "the Zionist entity" or the "Zionist regime."

On Saturday, the French president stressed the need for Iran to exercise restraint and avoid further fueling tensions in the region.

The office of French President Emmanuel Macron also reiterated the importance of Israel's right to self-defense, while emphasizing the necessity of taking all possible measures to protect civilians during the ongoing Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip."

Amid the ongoing conflict resulting in a high Palestinian casualty count, Hamas persists in deploying its civilian population as human shields within the enclave. Video analysis reveals that the terror group is obstructing safe passage for Gaza residents, even after the IDF issued warnings of impending airstrikes on military targets.

In response to the escalating situation, both the United States and the United Kingdom have deployed warships to the region and have pledged military support to Israel in its efforts to combat the terror group. This show of support is aimed at discouraging further interference from Iran and its affiliated groups.

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