Iranian exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi

Exiled Prince Criticizes Iran-US Prisoner Exchange Deal

Wednesday, 09/13/2023

Iranian exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi has renewed his criticism of the recently revealed prisoner exchange deal between Tehran and Washington.

He denounced it as a $6 billion “ransom payment” to the Islamic Republic for the release of five dual-national hostages. "As I have said before, I strongly oppose sending money to the Islamic Republic, especially while this regime, as is its very nature, is engaged in repression at home and terror abroad," Pahlavi posted on X.

He underscored the timing of this deal, suggesting it was intended to undermine the spirit of Mahsa Day when Iranians both inside and outside the country are preparing for protests. According to the exiled prince, the transaction serves to "sap the hope of Iran's freedom fighters and to empower the repressive Islamic Republic." He added, "It is also a gift to this regime and the criminal Ebrahim Raisi as he travels to New York."

Pahlavi issued a warning to the current American administration, cautioning that the Iranian people will not forget those who turned their backs on them during their most challenging moments and instead stood by their oppressors.

He concluded his statement with a message of resilience to the Iranian population, urging them to continue the struggle: "My compatriots, feed the flame of hope in your hearts. The Islamic Republic is going to fall because you, the great nation of Iran, are standing against it."

The reported deal comes amid speculation that $6 billion of unfrozen Iranian funds will be transferred from South Korea to banks in Qatar, triggering a process that could lead to the release of detained dual-national hostages on both sides.

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