Qatar's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Majed bin Mohammed al-Ansari

Qatar Affirms Progress in US-Iran Prisoner Exchange Agreement

Wednesday, 08/23/2023

Qatar's Foreign Ministry spokesperson confirms that the nation has successfully mediated a US-Iran prisoner exchange

During a weekly media briefing, Majed bin Mohammed al-Ansari underlined Qatar’s important role in achieving consensus between the two sides and facilitating communication with various stakeholders for the implementation of the agreement. This includes the release of prisoners and the $6 billion Iranian funds held in South Korea would be unfrozen and sent to an account in Qatar that Iran could access.

However, Al-Ansari did not reveal specific details regarding the exchange location of the prisoner exchange or the transfer of frozen funds to Qatari banks. He said, "Such details will be announced in due course,” he said.

This development follows a two-year mediation effort by Qatar and Oman, which paved the way for the US and Iran to reach an agreement earlier this month.

The deal entails the release of five American prisoners detained in Tehran in exchange for the liberation of five Iranian prisoners held in the United States as well as the release of $6 billion of frozen Iranian assets.

On Tuesday, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, said he was confident in the smooth process of the agreement and that the eventual release of the five American citizens was on track. However, he refrained from providing a specific timeline.

As a first step in this deal, Iran on August 10 released four imprisoned US citizens from Evin prison into house arrest, where they joined a fifth already under home confinement. These include businessman Siamak Namazi, 51, Emad Sharqi, 58, and environmental activist Morad Tahbaz, 67, who holds British nationality in addition to Iranian citizenship. The identities of the fourth and fifth Americans who either left prison or were under house arrest have not been disclosed.

Notably, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani, on Monday, articulated that a two-month timeline has been established for the implementation of the agreement with the United States.

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