US Secretary of State Antony Blinken - File Photo

Blinken Says US, Europe United In Countering Iranian Threats

Saturday, 07/22/2023

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has spoken of the US repairing ties with the E3, united in a joint commitment to restricting the regime's nuclear capabilities.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Conference, Anthony Blinken also expressed concern regarding Iran's actions abroad and said the regime had "gone global" by taking action against dissidents around the world, in countries including in the United States, in addition to stepping up assassination attempts on the likes of Jewish and Israeli targets.

Blinken said recent nuclear discussions have brought the US closer to its E3 allies, the UK, Germany and France, with whom he acknowledged there had until recently, been "real division". "We’re working very closely together to deal with some of the excesses committed by the regime," he said.

He admitted he feels "real concern" over Iran's nuclear progress and told the conference: “We have the concern that after having put its nuclear program in a box with the JCPOA, with that agreement no longer in force, Iran has speeded ahead with the production of fissile material for a nuclear weapon.

Blinken also acknowledged the courage of Iranian women and girls leading what he called "extraordinary protests" and expressed concern over the measures taken by the regime to suppress them.

He also voiced concern about Iran's actions in the region, particularly its support for groups involved in destabilizing activities. Blinken highlighted the dangerous exchange of technology between Iran and Russia, with drones provided to Russia having a devastating impact in Ukraine.

Many Iranian activists and some US lawmakers, however, criticize the administration for its continuing contacts with Tehran to reach agreements, that could free billions of dollars in frozen assets further enabling the regime.

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