Hardliner Iranian lawmaker Jalil Rahimi-Jahanabadi

Iranian Lawmaker Denies Tehran Reached Special Deal With IAEA's Grossi

Wednesday, 03/08/2023

An Iranian member of parliament says Tehran did not make any special agreement with IAEA's Rafael Grossi during his recent visit, hailing it a diplomatic victory.

Jalil Rahimi-Jahanabadi told state news agency IRNA on Tuesday that in the joint statement following Grossi’s trip, it has been emphasized that Tehran continues the same voluntary cooperation in the form of inspections, accesses, and addressing the concerns of the agency.
The member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission stated that Grossi's trip was more political than technical, adding that the agency's concerns were resolved during this trip and “the West came to the conclusion that Iran is not seeking to build an atomic bomb”.
“We hope that Grossi's report will lead to the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and that Iran's nuclear dossier will be closed forever,” he said.
Jahanabadi reiterated the government's claims that since the signing of the JCPOA, Iran has voluntarily cooperated with the agency regarding the installation of cameras, adding that Tehran continues its voluntary cooperation with the agency and does not want its NPT membership be challenged.

The lawmaker rejected the West’s reports on uranium enrichments over 80% expressing that “they have been saying for several years that Iran is close to producing an atomic bomb, but Grossi's statements after his trip neutralized their plots”.
Iranian authorities have suggested the IAEA visit was a diplomatic success for the Islamic Republic, however, it has resulted in international disappointment.

"Iran must cooperate with the IAEA fully and without delay, and we look forward to additional reporting from the IAEA in the coming weeks on the steps taken by Iran," U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters at a regular briefing on Monday.

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