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US Senate Introduces Resolution Against Iran’s Persecution Of Women

Friday, 09/30/2022

A bipartisan resolution at the US Senate has called on Iran to end its violent crackdown against peaceful protestors following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) -- the co-chair of the Senate Human Rights Caucus -- and James Lankford (R-Okla.) introduced the resolution on Thursday condemning the death of the Iranian woman, whose killing earlier in Sptember by Iran’s “morality police” sparked nationwide protests. The resolution urges the Islamic Republic to end its “systemic persecution of women."

“This resolution sends a clear message that the United States stands behind the rights of women and peaceful protesters in Iran and reaffirms that our commitment to human rights, women’s rights, and democratic freedoms is core to our values and foreign policy,” Coons said.

Senior members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have also voiced support for the popular protests in Iran.

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who is the chairman Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Thursday that Iranian protesters should know that people in the US and everywhere in the world see and praise their courage against the violent, oppressive and misogynistic regime of Iran, expressing hope to see a free Iran that is in peace with its neighbors and people.

Jim Risch (R-Idaho) ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the protests indicate Iranians’ desire for a free and peaceful country, adding that the Biden administration's blind pursuit of a new nuclear deal will only empower the regime.

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