A generic depiction of a nuclear blast

Iranian Analyst Says West Thinks Iran Can't Build Nuclear Bomb

Wednesday, 08/03/2022

An Iranian international affairs analyst says the West does not pay attention to bragging by Iranian officials about their capablity to build a nuclear bomb.

Analyst and former diplomat Ali Bigdeli said in an interview with Didban Iran [Iran Monitor] website: “Thanks to its knowledge of the requirements for bomb making, the West knows that Iran is not about to build a nuclear weapon.”

At the same time, he said such statements are simply rhetoric and they do not reflect Iran’s political position. The latest comments about Iran’s capabilities came from nuclear chief Mohammad Eslami and lawmaker Mohammad Reza Sabbaghian who said on Monday that “If the West’s outrageous behavior continues, we will ask the Supreme Leader to reverse his ban on making nuclear bombs.”

Bigdeli said that such comments are attempts that could be defined as sabre rattling by Iranian officials with the aim of getting concessions in nuclear talks. But the West does not react to those comments despite the excitement created by the media. He said those comments are not likely to change the West’s view about the negotiations.

Bigdeli also opined, however, that the Israel's provocative remarks about an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities should be taken seriously although such an attack would be foolish. Israelis cannot do anything against Iran without US support he argued and added that Washington would not welcome a war in the region while there is a war in Ukraine. So, Israel is bluffing.

The analyst went on to say Iran’s biggest problem is that its chief negotiator Ali Basgheri-Kani is not flexible and knowledgeable enough in his role.

Iranian analyst and former diploma Ali Bigdeli

Meanwhile, in a commentary published on Monday, conservative Nameh News website suggested that Iran should not miss the new opportunity for reaching an agreement with the United States based on the proposal made by EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell.

The website wrote that although most Iranian conservative media are adamant that Tehran should insist on it maximal demands, this could be a risky approach if it is not combined with intelligent efforts by the negotiators.

The commentary expressed optimism that the upcoming meeting between Bagheri and his EU counterpart Enrique Mora in Vienna can pave the way for the revival of the JCPOA.

Nameh News at the same time pointed out that some Iranian conservative media have opined that if Iran can expand its ties with Russia, China, Venezuela, Iraq and India, then it will no longer need to sit at the negotiating table with the United States. The daily concluded that the clock is ticking in Iran’s favor.

This comes while many politicians and analysts believe Iran is in a dire economic situation and badly needs a rapprochement with the United States as a requirement for lifting the sanctions and improving the economy.

On Monday, Iranian lawmaker Ghasemfar Saedi said in an interview with Rouydad24 news website that Iranians are losing their patience and government officials need to take the realities of the society into account while making decisions.

Saedi also called on government spokesman Ali Bahadori to apologize for saying that Iranians are very patient vis-a-vis economic problems.

“On the contrary, the people’s patience is wearing seriously thin in this regard,” said the lawmaker. He added that the Raisi administration should come to its senses before it is too late and begin to control the markets as the people are really worried about their livelihood.

“The government’s performance has led to a decline in people’s trust in the government and their hope in the future.”

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