Israel's former ambassador to the UN Danny Danon

Former Israeli Diplomat Hopes 'Strong Allies' Will Help In War With Iran

Thursday, 06/16/2022

Former Israeli UN envoy, Danny Danon, told Iran International he hopes Israel’s “strong allies would be supporting it” in a possible war with Iran.

Danon who is now chairman of the World Likud warned that Israel is ready to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. “We hope Israel would not be the only one bearing the burden of dealing with the threat coming from Iran,” he said, “but even if it would be only us, we are ready and determined.”

Danon highlighted recent reports that Islamic Republic had a large network of agents in Turkey trying to kidnap and kill Israeli tourists.

“It's unheard of that you have a regime that is exporting violence, and they are doing it publicly,” he said.

Danon, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations from 2015-2020, was a member of the Knesset representing the right-wing Likud Party and served as Deputy Minister of Defense.

In an interview with Iran International’s television host Fardad Farahzad on June 15, Danon was asked if recent killings of individuals serving in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and attributed to Israel will not provoke retaliation. Danon did not attempt to deny the possible Israeli role in the sensational events.

“According to reports, those people who were killed (in Iran) were not innocent. They were heavily involved in destruction, promoting violence in the region. I cannot acknowledge who is taking responsibility for eliminating those threats, but I can tell you that our world is much safer when they are not around us,” he said.

At least four officers and weapons experts serving for the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) have been killed or died in mysterious circumstances in Iran since May 22. In some of the cases the Islamic Republic has indirectly accused Israel, while in other cases it has claimed the deaths were natural.

The quandary Iranian security and military officials face is that acknowledging Israel’s ability to eliminate individuals on Iranian soil is extremely embarrassing for them after insisting for years that they are invincible and in total control of events not only inside the country but around the region.

Suspected Israeli operations against Iranian nuclear and military sites as well as the killing of key individuals began in July 2020, with several spectacular operations that blew up extremely well-defended sites and the Hollywood-style assassination of Iran’s top nuclear scientist.

Speaking about the stalled nuclear talks with Iran the former UN envoy said that it was a mistake for the United States to pull out of the 2015 nuclear agreement, “but it will be a grave mistake to re-enter the JCPOA, because basically whatever happens, the Iranians will continue with their nuclear ambitions, but they would have the legitimacy of democracies from all around the world to continue to do that.”

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