Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei addressing members of Iran’s Assembly of Experts on March 10, 2022

Khamenei Says Retreating Against US Due To Sanctions Is Big Mistake

Thursday, 03/10/2022

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei says retreating against the United States in exchange for sanctions relief would be a “big and naive mistake.”

Addressing members of Iran’s Assembly of Experts on Thursday, Khamenei insisted that to retreat in the face of American pressure or any other power for securing protection against sanctions, will deal a blow to the nation's power.

He added that Islamic Republic’s presence in regional countries and its nuclear program are two factors that contribute to the country’s national power, saying, “Regional presence gives us more strategic depth and national strength. Why should we give it up? Scientific nuclear progress is needed for country’s future”.

Khamenei said it is naïve to reduce Iran’s military programs to get concessions from the West, noting that “security” and military power contributes to Iran’s bargaining power “to fulfill national interests at the regional and global front.” He added, “It is vital for any country to have national power”.

Iran has boosted its uranium enrichment since the United States withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement and continued it support for regional militant groups that act as its proxies in various countries. It has also expanded its missile program that West and several regional countries, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia are concerned about.

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