Iranian lawmaker Ebrahin Rezaei

Lawmaker Says Good Deal For Iran Means Lifting IRGC Sanctions

Thursday, 03/03/2022

A hardliner Iranian lawmaker has reiterated that a good nuclear agreement is one that removes the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) from the list of terrorist organizations.

Ebrahim Rezaei, a member of Iran Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said in a tweet on Thursday that the Islamic Republic wants the United States to remove all the sanctions imposed on the IRGC, in addition to all other sanctions.

Rezaei added that Iran faces three sides in the talks; the first is Israel “that is responsible for sabotage and assassinations”, the second is the United States that manages “simultaneous pressure and negotiation”, and the third is the IAEA and its head Rafael Grossi, who is in charge of “feeding anti-Iran propaganda”.

He also called on Grossi to be a neutral observer and not “a puppet of the Americans and the Zionists”.

His remarks echoed similar ones by the spokesman of the committee who last week described removing the IRGC from the US list of terrorist entities as one of the necessary measures to revive the JCPOA nuclear deal.

Abbaszadeh-Meshkini said, "When we say the lifting of all sanctions, it means institutions, companies and individuals; removing the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) from the list of terrorist organizations is also one of the expectations of the Islamic Republic.”

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