German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stands next to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett visiting Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, March 2, 2022.

Israel Expresses Concern To Visiting German Leader Over Iran Deal

Wednesday, 03/02/2022

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Wednesday discussed developments in Ukraine and the Iranian nuclear talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was visiting Israel.

The visit comes as Russia's assault on Ukraine continued for a seventh day, and as Western countries have rallied together against the incursion.

"Our duty as leaders is to do everything to stop the bloodshed," Bennett said at a joint press conference.

Bennett also said Israel was watching with concern as Germany, Britain, France, Russia and China negotiate to revive the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, which was left in tatters after the US withdrew in 2018.

He said Israel was concerned the deal would not adequately rein in Iran's nuclear program.

Scholz said he understood Israel's worries, but said it was time to move forward on a deal.

In the decades following the Holocaust, in which Nazi Germany killed 6 million Jews, Germany and Israel have become staunch allies.

The countries' Cabinets hold regular joint sessions, and Germany is Israel's most important trade partner in the European Union.

But Germany, like much of Europe, is at odds with Israel when it comes to the Palestinian issue.

Germany has called for a Palestinian state alongside Israel and opposes Israel's settlement activities in the West Bank. Germany is also among world powers negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program.

Reporting by AP

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