Iranian missiles unveiled in November 2020.

US Lists Chinese, Other Companies For Supporting Iran's Advanced Weapons

Thursday, 12/16/2021

The US Department of Commerce Thursday designated several Chinese and other companies that have aided Iran’s conventional weapons’ development to Entity List for acting against US interests.

A statement issued by the Department said the End-User Review Committee (ERC), composed of representatives of the Departments of Commerce (Chair), State, Defense, Energy and, the Treasury makes determination if a company has inappropriately diverted US technology for purposes that are harmful to US interests.

A senior administration official had said earlier in the day the Commerce Department and Treasury Departments would announce a series of actions on Thursday targeting Chinese companies that Washington says use biotechnology and surveillance to abuse human rights.

Aside from China, the Commerce Department also took action against entities from Georgia, Malaysia, and Turkey for allegedly "diverting or attempting to divert U.S. items to Iran’s military programs."

A document released said several companies are being designated “for actions contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States. Specifically, these companies have supplied or attempted to supply U.S.-origin items that could provide material support to Iran’s advanced conventional weapons and missile programs...”

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