Nizar Zakka, former detainee in Iran. FILE PHOTO

Former Foreign Detainee Tells Dual Nationals Not To Visit Iran

Monday, 11/22/2021

A former foreign detainee in Iran has told Iranian expats not to be tricked by the foreign minister claiming to guarantee their safety if they visit the country.

Nizar Zakka, a Lebanese citizen, and a US permanent resident spent four years in Iranian prisons on vague charges of espionage for the United States and was released in June 2019 after an appeal by Lebanese President Michelle Aoun.

He responded to a statement by Amir-Abdollahian saying that if expat Iranians want to visit the country, the foreign ministry can tell them if they have any legal issues and once cleared, they have nothing to fear about.

Zakka tweeted, “What are the guarantees, and from whom? You? What about foreigners? You were at the foreign ministry when your gov invited and kidnapped me.”

Zakkawas invited to Iran in 2016 by a top official of former president Hassan Rouhani’s government, but once he was arrested and jailed by the Revolutionary Guard the official said there was complete lack of coordination between the government and security forces.

Iran has arrested many dual nationals who have visited the country and used them as bargaining chips against Western countries, according to human rights organizations.

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