Iran Condemns US Sanctions Over Meddling In 2020 Presidential Vote

Friday, 11/19/2021

Iran condemned on Friday US sanctions against six Iranians and one Iranian group for trying to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election by cyberactivity.

The US Treasury announced the sanctions on Thursday, along with criminal charges against two Iranians it says launched a cyber disinformation campaign to targeted voters, elected members of Congress and a US media company.

"Iran condemns these new US sanctions as a continuation of the failed policy of Trump's maximum pressure that are desperate and illegitimate," foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Twitter, referring to former president Donald Trump.

The sanctions were announced as world power prepare to resume nuclear talks with Iran in Vienna on November 29. Iran has hardened its position demanding all US sanctions to be lifted at once before an agreement to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement, JCPOA.

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