France Says If Iran Nuclear Talks Prove To Be 'A Sham', JCPOA Is Dead

Friday, 11/19/2021

France fired a new salvo at Iran on Friday saying that if new nuclear talks on November 29 appeared to be a "sham" then the nuclear deal devoid of substance.

"The first check we will have to do is whether we are continuing the discussion where it left off in June with the previous Iranian administration," Jean-Yves Le Drian said in an interview with le Monde, referring to when negotiations resume on November 29 between Iran and world powers.

"If this discussion is a sham, then we will have to consider the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) empty."

On Thursday France had demanded actions against Iran after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued critical reports on Wednesday saying Tehran was impeding its nuclear monitoring on designated facilities.

Iran’s new hardline administration has delayed the resumption of the nuclear talks it suspended in June for five months and has continued adding to its stockpile of 20-percent and 60-percent enriched uranium. In recent weeks it has hardened its position demanding that the United States lift all its sanctions at once to make an agreement possible.

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